Featuring Andrei Popescu
A presentation not to be missed.
RGS is happy to announce “IT’S ALL RELATIVE: Challenges of Romanian Research”. Special guest speaker will be Andrei Popescu. He is an independent researcher with a doctorate (Ph.D.) in history.
Andrei Popescu is the founder and coordinator of the project “Scriem istoria ta” (We Write Your History). He was named “The Researcher of the Year” by the Romanian National Archives for two consecutive years (2019 and 2020).
He is the author of many books, articles and other studies, including the English e-book “How to Find Your Ancestors from Bucharest: A guide for Identifying, Interpreting and Understanding Online and Offline Genealogical Resources“.
IT’S ALL RELATIVE: Challenges of Romanian Research
Saturday, Aug. 14, 2021 (10:30 a.m. – Noon Central Time)
This is an illuminating presentation describing some common challenges with Romanian research. Also, discover why genealogical sources often give false, partially false, or approximate information. Learn about these errors, why do they appear; and how you can spot them.
Andrei will explain the importance of being aware of the following:
- confusions regarding names and surnames
- name variations
- forming of Romanian surnames
- how linguistic differences affect written names of Romanian, German, Hungarian, Jewish, Greek, and other origins
- how villages, cities, counties and countries changed their names and borders over time
More challenges can be seen from examples of documents from various regions of Romania (Wallachia, Moldova, Bukovina, Transylvania, Banat), which exemplify the problem of false, partially false, or approximate information being supplied. Therefore, being aware of these challenges, you may have greater luck and success with your research.
Andrei Popescu is open to requests for consultations. If you are interested, please e-mail directly to him at andrei.e.popescu@gmail.com You can also use the contact form on his site, scriemistoriata.com, which has an English section.
Advanced registration is required.
Deadline to register is 6:00 p.m. (CDT) Friday, August 13, 2021
Registration is open to RGS Members and Non Members. This session will be held ONLINE as a webinar. Once selection has been made, scroll down to the bottom of the page to submit payment. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Then a few days before the the presentation, an email with a link to join the webinar will be sent to the email used for payment.
Questions? Contact info@romaniangenealogy.com
Saturday, August 14, 2021 (10:30 a.m. – Noon Central Time)
If you are not already a member of RGS, you may include $20 for 2021 dues and be eligible for the reduced member rate of $15
Submit now using Paypal using your Paypal account or by credit card or
Print and return this portion with your check payment. (Make checks payable to “RGS” in US Dollars.) Send to: Romanian Genealogy Society, 1385 Mendota Heights Road, Ste. 100, Mendota Heights, MN 55120.
Thank you!
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