Author Archives: Dorrene Hern

National Archives of Romania

National Archives of Romania

The National Archives of Romania (Romanian: Arhivele Naţionale ale României) is located in the Capital of Romania, Bucharest. The archives include the central national archive in Bucharest* (for documents for Bucharest municipality (municipiu)) and a regional archive for each of the 41 counties (judet – singular, judete – plural). The word judet often seen as judeţul, means “the district.”

In addition to the government records, and during the Communist era, church records were also added to the archive records. It may be helpful to learn History on the formation of the archives may be helpful.

If you are requesting documents in person, there is a process and several steps are involved . A permit is required and it needs to be obtained before searching in the archives. The permit is valid for 2 years and is only valid for the issuing archive. For information on obtaining a permit click on the Public Services tab and then How to file requests for documents from the National Archives of Romania . There also is a daily charge for copying or taking photographs of the records. Using your own camera or phone for taking photos of the record is allowed.

National Archives of Romania (Central Office)
Regina Elisabeta Blvd. 49,
sector 5, Bucharest, C-050013


Romanian Military Archives and Records of The Secret (Securitate) Police, the police that worked under the Communist government from 1945-1989, are each located in different archives.

Centru de Studii si Pastrare a Arhivelor Militar Istorice
Strada Aleea Poarta Eroilor
110058 Pitesti, ROMANIA

Istoric al Armatei
Strada Drumul Taberei 9-11
061353 Bucuresti 6, ROMANIA

Center for Studies of the Securitate
National Pentru Studiera Archivelor Securitate
Strada Matei Basarab 55-57
030671 Bucuresti 3, ROMANIA

Getting started with the National Archives of Romania:

The CoA of the Romanian National Archives

The CoA of the Romanian National Archives

First select the flag of preference,  English or Romanian. Next select the County Archive tab for an interactive map to select your County of interest. Select a county to find the address and email contact information for the Archives in that County.
If you wish to make a request to the National Archives of Romania for copies of documents for purposes of family history research, you must include some obligatory details to assist the clerks of the National Archives to fulfill your request. Without this information, it is unlikely that your request will be fulfilled. For more information see Guide for Making a Request to National Archives of Romania

Romania 1930 counties.

Administrative map of the Kingdom of Romania in 1930


Romanian Genealogy Society