About Us


We are a branch of the non-profit Minnesota Genealogical Society

Our Stated Purpose:

  • Foster interest in Romanian genealogy;
  • Provide opportunities for exchange of knowledge about Romania, its history and culture, immigration from Romania to the U.S., and Romanian family history research;
  • Encourage the establishment of Romanian genealogical resources;
  • Hold meetings for the instruction and interest of members;
  • Collect and publish genealogical, biographical, and historical material related to people of Romanian descent and to work with other organizations to inform about and preserve Romanian genealogy and heritage.

We offer quarterly educational meetings with the opportunity to share research experiences. Members receive “Romanian Roots” our quarterly newsletter via choice of electronic or postal delivery.

Books, maps and other resource material in our Library collection are housed in the Minnesota Genealogy Center in Mendota Heights, MN. The catalog may be searched online however; the collection is for use in the library only.

While we are based in Minnesota, it doesn’t matter where you live or where your Romanian ancestors lived.
We welcome and support members worldwide.



2024-2025 OFFICERS
President: Sharon Johnston
Secretary: Angela Knutson
Treasurer: Viorel (Vee) Petrescu

2022-2023 OFFICERS
President: Vacant
Vice President: Bogdan Filipescu
Secretary: Angela Knutson
Treasurer: Darlene Dimitrie

RGS Board Members, Jean, Dorrene, Vicki

Jean, Dorrene & Vicki

2020-2021 OFFICERS
President: Vicki Albu
Secretary: Jean Logajan Day
Treasurer: Dorrene Dragos Hern




Minnesota Genealogical Society, www.mngs.org
Heritage Organization of Romanian Americans in Minnesota, www.hora-mn.org

Send an e-mail to info@romaniangenealogy.com. For membership information, click here.

Peles Castle, Prahova County, Romania
RGS Members